
The Judy Review, Vol. 4: In The Bedroom

The Judy Review is a sporadic phone conversation with my mom regarding films she watches, transcribed for your reading pleasure. To read all Judy Reviews, click [here].

JUDY: "Oh, you know what movie I watched last night?"
Me: "Which?"
JUDY: "It was called In The Bedroom. You know it?"
Me: "I've seen it, many years ago."
JUDY: "I said to Gerry - it had nothing to do with the bedroom!"
Me: "Ha, yea."
JUDY: "Cuz the title sounds like it'd be a sexy type movie, eh?"
Me: "Ya, I guess."
JUDY: "It's actually about a young boy's murder."
Me: "Not sexy."
JUDY: "You saw it?"
Me: "Yes mom, I said that."
JUDY: "Sissy Spacek is in it. Pretty good movie actually."
Me: "Yea it's good."
JUDY: "Fell asleep after a half hour. Right in the middle."
Me: "Oh, so you don't even know what happens."
JUDY: "Yea I do, in the end the dad killed the son's killer."
Me: "I thought you said you fell asleep after 30 minutes?"
JUDY: "Yea. I fell asleep after 30 minutes, and then I woke up."
Me: "Oye vey."

Next time on The Judy Review, Vol. 5: TBD

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